Hard Boiled Eggs

Twice this week I’ve needed some hard boiled eggs.  Once for Kedgeree and once for sandwiches – so I’m taking that as a sign and here is how I do it.

Hard Boiled Egg 1

Not surprisingly, it begins with the egg.  I buy free-range – always.  It’s more expensive but if you’ve ever seen the conditions battery hens are kept in you’ll understand why.  Within the EU, an egg labelled ‘free-range’ guarantees the hens have had continuous day-time access to outdoor runs ‘mainly covered in vegetation’.  An egg labelled ‘organic’ is automatically ‘free-range’.  That’s not ‘worldwide’ so you’d need to check if you live outside the EU.

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Doing anything with an egg is much easier if you know how old your egg is.  If you buy eggs in a box which is stamped with the lion mark it will give you a best before date.  That date is 21 days after laying so you can do some calculations.

The other way to tell the age of an egg is to float it in cold water.  A newly laid egg will sink to the bottom of a glass and lay entirely horizontal.  This is because there’s no air pocket.  As the egg ages the porous shell will absorb air which will collect in the rounded end.  When you float an egg with an air pocket it will cause the egg to tilt upwards.  A egg which sits vertical is stale.

A newly laid egg will poach effortlessly and, really, anything else is best not poached.  It’s also better for fried eggs, scrambling, making omelettes and for any recipe which asks you to separate the yolk from the white.  When an egg is fresh the yolk is plumper and the white clings to it.

Not only does the porous shell absorb air it allows the natural moisture in the egg to evaporate.  As the egg ages everything becomes flatter and looser.  For peeled hard boiled eggs the optimum egg is one between 5-12 days old.  You can, of course, hard boil an egg of any age.  What you’ll struggle with is the peeling.  When the egg is fresh the inner membrane which surrounds the egg white adheres like glue.  As the egg ages that membrane becomes looser and the shell slips off effortlessly.

Hard Boiled Egg 4

Start with your egg at room temperature.  That air pocket which settles at the rounded end – prick it.  Being a woman of limited interests, a gadget to do just that is what Father Christmas put in my stocking a few years ago.

Pricking the egg before boiling lessens the chance of the shell cracking.  Sometimes that matters and sometimes it doesn’t.

Hard Boiled Egg 5

Use a saucepan which minimises the amount of space the eggs have to bounce about.  Again, that’s about not cracking the shell during cooking.

Place your eggs in the saucepan in a single layer and cover with cold water so it covers the eggs by 1cm/½”.

Hard Boiled Egg 6

Bring the water up to simmering point – and set the timer for 7 minutes.  This will give you a set yolk.  If your egg is fresh, less than 5 days old, cook for 7½ minutes.

Hard Boiled Egg 7

Overcooked eggs taste like rubber.  They are also the ones which tend towards having a dark line around the yolk.  The solution is to stop the egg cooking as quickly as is possible.  It no long matters if the shell cracks so tip it into a colander and run cold tap water over it.  Keep going until the egg is cool to hold.

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Finish cooling in a bowl of iced water.

Hard Boiled Egg 9

Tap the egg all over on your work surface and start to peel at the wider end (where the egg pocket is).  I always peel over the bowl and use the water to deal with any tough to peel bits.  If you’re really struggling to get the shell off cleanly then peel under a running tap.

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Back into the iced water until completely cold.

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A bowl of hard boiled eggs, kept in the fridge, is great for snacking on.

Kedgeree Garnish


Hard Boiled Egg 11Hard Boiled Eggs

  • Eggs.  5-12 days old and at room temperature.

Prick the air pocket at the rounded end of the egg and place in a single layer in a saucepan.  Cover with cold water.  Bring to a simmer and then set the timer for 7 minutes (adding an additional 30 seconds if your egg is fresh).

Drain in a colander and rinse in cold water to stop the egg cooking.

Transfer to a bowl of iced water.  Once cool enough to handle, peel.  (If the shell is sticking, peel under cold running water.)  Return to the bowl of iced water until completely cold.




Home-Made Curry Powder

Curry Powder isn’t ‘one’ thing.  It’s a house mix and would seem to be a Western invention, but it’s a ready-mix which has been around for a long time.  It  was certainly available in London in the mid 1780s as there’s an advert for it in ‘The Morning Post’.  That  must have been powerful stuff because it promises “it contributes most of any food to an increase of the human race”.  I don’t make any such claims for mine … although I do have five children …

You can buy Hot, Medium or Mild, but your own will always be better.  Whole ground spices are more flavourful and zingy than anything you buy ready ground.  Plus, you can customise your mix to your own taste.

Curry Powder 9

This is mine.  (If you happen to be one of my children – this is the curry powder I send you to university with to put on your spicy popcorn ..)

Curry Powder 1

I’ve made choices.  If you buy it, depending on the brand you buy, you may find coriander, turmeric, curry leaves, cumin, fenugreek, chilli, ginger, garlic, asafoetida, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, cinnamon, cloves, mustard seeds, green cardamom, black cardamom, nutmeg or black pepper.  I think I spotted celery salt in one the other day.

This is my go-to mix.  Since the shelf life of ground spices is no more than 3 months at most I like to grind mine in small quantities.

Curry Powder 2

Lightly toasting the spices does make the kitchen smell wonderful, but the real reason to do it is because it alters the flavour of the spice.  It’s not better, just different.  I like it for this.

For my curry powder I place coriander seeds, cumin, black mustard seeds, fenugreek, fennel seeds, black peppercorns and cloves  in a small cast iron frying pan.

Curry Powder 3

Over a low heat, warm through until the spices release their aroma and they appear slightly darker.  Transfer to a bowl.  If they stay in the pan they might burn in the residual heat.  Leave to cool.

Curry Powder 4

I’m sure a purist would opt for a pestle and mortar, but I keep a bamix dry blender for the purpose.  (Don’t even think of grinding coffee beans in what has become a ‘spice mill’ or they’ll taste peculiar!)

I add a few freeze-dried curry leaves and a couple of dried chillies.

Curry Powder 5And whiz.

Curry Powder 6

A little turmeric.  Then, mix.

Curry Powder 7

That’s it.  A fresh and zingy curry powder.  Eat.

Curry Powder 9Home-Made Curry Powder

  • 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric
  • 1½ teaspoons black mustard seeds
  • 1½ teaspoons fenugreek
  • 6 freeze dried curry leaves, crushed
  • 2 dried chillies, seeds included
  • ½ teaspoon fennel seeds
  • ½ teaspoon whole cloves
  • ½ teaspoon of black peppercorns

Set the curry leaves, the chillies and the turmeric to one side.

Place the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, black mustard seeds, fenugreek, cloves and peppercorns in a small cast iron frying pan and place over a low heat.  (Don’t use a non-stick pan for this as the coating may smoke.)  Keep watching and shaking the pan as spices burn quickly.  You want everything to roast evenly.  Warm through until the whole spices have darkened slightly and an aromatic scent has filled your kitchen.  Immediately transfer them to a bowl to cool.

Once cool, add the crushed curry leaves and roughly chopped dried chillies.  Grind in a pestle and mortar or whiz in a spice grinder.

Add the turmeric and stir.  Store in a sealed container and use within weeks.

